hiranya sahayaka

“Hiranya daana,” or the donation of gold, is considered a meritorious act in Hindu culture, symbolizing wealth, prosperity, and spiritual merit. While specific references to “hiranya daana” in the Vedas and Upanishads are limited compared to later texts like the Puranas and Dharmashastras, there are mentions and implications of the value of gold and its donation. Here are some references that highlight the significance of gold donation in ancient Indian texts:


  1. Rigveda:
  • The Rigveda contains hymns that praise wealth and prosperity, including references to gold as a symbol of abundance.
  • Rigveda 1.50.5:
    येनेमं देवा अपरे हिरण्यमासत् सतोत्तरेभिर्दिव्येभिरग्र्भन्त।
    Translation: “By whom the other gods received this gold, by their splendid powers.”
  • This hymn indirectly praises the acquisition and distribution of gold among the gods, suggesting its symbolic importance.
  1. Atharvaveda:
  • The Atharvaveda contains hymns that acknowledge the value of gold and its auspiciousness.
  • Atharvaveda 12.1.43:
    हिरण्येन मा भूर्धानो यातुद्भिर्यातु बाधाम्।
    Translation: “May the offering be with gold; may it remove obstacles.”


  1. Chandogya Upanishad:
  • The Chandogya Upanishad discusses the significance of wealth in spiritual practice, though not specifically gold donation.
  • Chandogya Upanishad 7.26.2:
    यथा स्वप्नं भयं दुःखं न विचेत्स्वप्न एव सर्वं भयं दुःखं च। यथा द्यौरविन्द्राग्निवारुणीं प्रत्यक्षां परोक्षां वा विचिकीर्षति सर्वं समृच्छेत् सर्वं हिरण्यं समृच्छेत् सर्वं विद्यां समृच्छेत्॥
    Translation: “As a person disregards fear, sorrow, and everything else in a dream, as a person, desires all wealth, all gold, and all knowledge.”


  1. Bhagavata Purana:
  • The Bhagavata Purana extols the virtues of gold donation as a means of achieving spiritual merit and prosperity.
  • Bhagavata Purana 7.14.2:
    हिरण्यमिवाऽमित्राणां गरुडस्याऽत्मनि प्रिये।
    Translation: “Just as gold is dear to Garuda, the enemy of snakes.”

General Concept in Vedic Literature

  • Gold (hiranya) is considered a symbol of wealth, auspiciousness, and purity in Hindu culture.
  • Donating gold (hiranya daana) is believed to bring merit (punya) and spiritual benefits to the donor.
  • The act of donating gold is often associated with rituals, ceremonies, and acts of charity aimed at promoting societal welfare and religious merit.

While direct references to “hiranya daana” in the Vedas and Upanishads are sparse, these texts provide a foundation for later Hindu scriptures and traditions that emphasize the spiritual significance of wealth, including gold, in religious practices and charitable acts.

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