bhu sahayaka

“Bhu daana” (gift of land) is considered a significant act of charity in ancient Indian texts, reflecting the importance of land in an agrarian society. The concept of land donation is deeply rooted in Vedic and Upanishadic literature, symbolizing prosperity, sustenance, and spiritual merit. Here are some references that highlight the significance of land donation:


  1. Rigveda:
  • While the Rigveda primarily focuses on hymns to deities, it also acknowledges the importance of land as a resource.
  • Rigveda 1.117.21:
    यो भूभ्यो निचिखे शंसमस्मे भूम्यै पितरं स्वं स हेतिः।
    Translation: “He who grants land to us, our friend, like a father to his children, that benefactor is indeed a source of prosperity.”
  1. Atharvaveda:
  • The Atharvaveda contains hymns that highlight the significance of land and its donation.
  • Atharvaveda 3.24.5:
    भूमिं भूमिं नोऽस्मासु पितरो हितां कर्ण्वन्तु।
    Translation: “May our ancestors bestow upon us the earth, the land that is favorable and beneficial.”


  1. Taittiriya Upanishad:
  • The Taittiriya Upanishad emphasizes the importance of land as a source of wealth and sustenance.
  • Taittiriya Upanishad 1.11.1:
    अन्नं बहु कुर्वीत। तद्व्रतम्।
    Translation: “One should produce plenty of food. That is the vow.”
  • This reference, while not directly mentioning land donation, underscores the importance of land in producing food and sustaining life.
  1. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad:
  • This Upanishad discusses the significance of wealth, including land, in achieving spiritual and material prosperity.
  • Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 3.9.28:
    अन्नाद्भवति भूतानि। पर्जन्यादन्नसम्भवः।
    Translation: “All beings are born from food. The production of food depends on rain.”
  • This highlights the interconnectedness of land, food, and life.

Dharma Shastras

  1. Manusmriti:
  • Manusmriti, a text on Hindu law and ethics, discusses the importance of land donation.
  • Manusmriti 4.235:
    भूमिदानं तु शूराणां धर्मोऽयं संशयात्मनः।
    Translation: “The gift of land is the duty of the brave and the righteous.”
  • Manusmriti 9.186:
    यत्र भूम्यर्पितो होमः शतमेवाश्वमेधस्स्य।
    Translation: “Where the land is offered in sacrifice, it equals a hundred horse sacrifices (Ashvamedha Yajnas).”


  1. Bhagavata Purana:
  • The Bhagavata Purana extols the virtues of land donation.
  • Bhagavata Purana 7.11.13:
    भूमिदानं महद्दानं गवां दानं ततः परम्।
    Translation: “The gift of land is a great gift, and the gift of cows is even greater.”

General Concept in Vedic Literature

  • Land donation (bhu daana) is considered an act of great merit (punya) and is often performed to ensure the prosperity and well-being of the donor and their descendants.
  • The act of giving land is seen as a way to support the community, particularly in sustaining agricultural activities and providing livelihoods.

These references illustrate the high value placed on land donation in Vedic and Upanishadic literature, recognizing it as a vital component of societal welfare and spiritual practice.

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